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PoSA Consensus of 5DAX Chain

5DAX Chain is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability to 5DAX Chain. 5DAX Chain relies on a system of 21 validators with Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The double-sign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security, stability, and chain finality.

Staking on 5DAX Chain

Ideally, 5DAX Chain should build such staking and reward logic into the blockchain, and automatically distribute rewards as the blocking happens. Cosmos Hub, who also build on top of Tendermint consensus like 5DAX Chain, works in this way.

However, as FC wants to remain compatible with Ethereum as much as possible. On the other side, 5DAX Chain already has a staking module and could be extended to support both BC and NC. In this way, all the staking related operations are recorded in BC. Once there are any changes about NC's validator set or voting power, the new message will be transferred to FC through cross-chain communication.

Staking Economics

  1. The staking token is NT, as it is a native token on both blockchains anyway
  2. The staking, i.e. token bond and delegation actions and records for NC, happens on BC.
  3. The FC validator set is determined by its staking and delegation logic, via a staking module built on BC for NC, and propagated every day UTC 00:00 from BC to FC via Cross-Chain communication.
  4. The reward distribution happens on BC around every day UTC 00:00 after.

Ranking Algorithm

Validators are ranked by their power and operator address. The more its delegation tokens, the higher ranking is. If two validators get the same amount of delegated tokens, validator with smaller address bytes has higher ranking.

Reward Distrubution

Since FC uses PoSA as its consensus engine, all the delegators of validators can receive some share of the validators’ reward.

However, the rewards(fees) are collected on FC while the staking info is stored on BC.

So the main idea is we transfer all the rewards from FC to BC once every day and execute the distribution on BC.

Main Workflow:

  1. ValidatorSet is updated in BreatheBlock, the frequency is once a day. let’s assume it happens on day N.
  2. The info of validator set changes of day N would be transmitted to NCthrough interchain communication.
  3. The validator set contract on FC would receive and update the new validatorset. After that, it would trigger several interchain transfer to transfer the fees that every previous validators collected in this period to their addresses on BC. we can see that fees belongs to the validators of day N-1.
  4. To make some room for the error handling, we distribute the fees of day N-1 in the next breathe block (day N+1).


  1. even if validator set or any their voting powers are not changed on that day, we still transmit the validator set info to NC.
  2. the validator set contract maintains the history of the fees that every validators collected after the previous period(We define the period as the time between two contract calls of validator set changes). The actual fees are collected on the contract address.
  3. the interchain transfer to send fees from the contract address to each validator’s distribution address on BC. Note the distribution address is auto generated on BC when handling the create-validator tx, so no private key is corresponded to that address and no one except the distribution module can move the tokens on that address. This address is displayed as Distribution Addr in validator info.

    Fee Address: tbnb15mgzha93ny878kuvjl0pnqmjygwccdadpw5dxf
    Operator Address: bva15mgzha93ny878kuvjl0pnqmjygwccdad08uecu
    Validator Consensus Pubkey:
    Jailed: false
    Status: Bonded
    Tokens: 5000000000000
    Delegator Shares: 5000000000000
    Description: {Elbrus "" This is Elbrus org on chapel network.}
    Bond Height: 74158
    Unbonding Height: 0
    Minimum Unbonding Time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
    Commission: {rate: 75000000, maxRate: 90000000, maxChangeRate: 3000000, updateTime: 2020-05-22 12:24:19.478568234 +0000 UTC}
    Distribution Addr: tbnb1srkkfjk8qctvvy4s3cllhpnkz9679jphr30t2c
    Side Chain Id: chapel
    Consensus Addr on Side Chain: 0xF474Cf03ccEfF28aBc65C9cbaE594F725c80e12d
    Fee Addr on Side Chain: 0xe61a183325A18a173319dD8E19c8d069459E2175

  4. we have a lower limit of the value of interchain transfer, at least the value can cover the transfer fee. Also, interchain transfer will only allow max 8 decimals for the amount. The tiny left part would be kept in the contract or put into the system reward pool.

  5. the reward: (totalfees * (1-commissionRate)) would be distributed in proportion to the delegations, the left part would be sent to the validator fee address.

Error handling:

  1. if the cross-chain transfer failed, the tokens would be sent back to a specified address(i.e. the SideFeeAddr in the store section, validators can change this address via the EditValidator tx). After that, validators can manually deposit the tokens to its own DistributionAddr on BC via Transfer tx. We do not force the validator to do so, but it’s an indicator that can help delegators choose validators.

Fee Table

Transaction Type Pay in 5T
Create A New Smart Chain Validator 10
Edit Smart Chain Validator Information 1
Delegate Smart Chain Validator 0.001
Redelegate Smart Chain Validator 0.003
Undelegate Smart Chain Validator 0.002




Please download eth-cli binary from here


Please download eth-cli binary from here

Create FC Validator

Parameters for nc-create-validator

parameter name example comment required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--from bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx address of private key with which to sign this tx, also be used as the validator operator address Yes
--address-delegator bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx optional, bech32 address of the self-delegator. if not provided, --from address will be used as self-delegator. No
--amount 2000000000000:NT (means 20000 5T) self-delegation amount, it has 8 decimal places Yes
--moniker myval1 validator name Yes
--identity xxx optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase) No
--website optional website No
--details some details optional details No
--commission-rate 80000000(that means 0.8 or 80%) The initial commission rate percentage, it has 8 decimal places. Yes
--commission-max-rate 95000000 (0.95 or 95%) The maximum commission rate percentage, it has 8 decimal places. You can not update this rate. Yes
--commission-max-change-rate 3000000 (0.03 or 3%) The maximum commission change rate percentage (per day). You can not update this rate. Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--side-cons-addr 0x1234abcd consensus address of the validator on side chain, please use hex format prefixed with 0x Yes
--side-fee-addr 0xabcd1234 address that validator collects fee rewards on side chain, please use hex format prefixed with 0x. Yes
--home /path/to/cli_home home directory of eth-cli data and config, default to “~/.eth-cli” No

Some address parameters we need to highlight here:

Field Name Usage
DelegatorAddr Self delegator address. For BC, this address also used to collect fees.
ValidatorAddr validator operator’s address, used in governance ops like voting.
SideConsAddr block producer’s address on side chain, i.e. consensus address. BC has another parameter named PubKey, here SideConsAddr replaced that for NC. Only FC validators need this parameter.
SideFeeAddr fees are collected in this address on NC, Only FC validators need this parameter. Due to different token units, there are some 5T left as dust when sending block rewards from 5DAX Chain to 5DAX Chain. Those 5T will be sent to fee address.


  1. If you want to create a validator with the same operator address and self-delegator address, you only need one signature for this transaction.

  2. Mainnet

## mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --amount 1000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "[www.example.](" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id bsc --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli

## testnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --amount 2000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "[www.example.](" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id chapel --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli
  • Testnet
## mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --from tbnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --amount 2000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "[www.example.](" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id bsc --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli

## testnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --from tbnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --amount 2000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "[www.example.](" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id chapel --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli
  1. If you want a separated self-delegator address, both self-delegator and validator operator need to sign this transaction. Here we need to use another two commands to support multiple signatures.

a. use the following commands appended with a parameter “--generate-only” and save the result to a json file which would be used to be signed.

## mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --from {validator-operator-address}  --address-delegator {delegator-address} --amount 5000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id bsc --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli --generate-only > unsigned.json

## testnet
eth-cli staking nc-create-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --from {validator-operator-address}  --address-delegator {delegator-address} --amount 5000000000000:NT --moniker bsc_v1 --identity "xxx" --website "" --details "bsc validator node 1" --commission-rate 80000000 --commission-max-rate 95000000 --commission-max-change-rate 3000000 --side-chain-id chapel --side-cons-addr 0x9B24Ee0BfBf708b541fB65b6087D6e991a0D11A8 --side-fee-addr 0x5885d2A27Bd4c6D111B83Bc3fC359eD951E8E6F8 --home ~/home_cli --generate-only > unsigned.json

b. both validator operator(--from) and self-delegator(--address-delegator) use “eth-cli sign” command to sign the file from a).

Delegator address need to sign unsigned.json first

  • Online Mode
## mainnet
./eth-cli sign unsigned.json --from {delegator-address} --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris >> delegator-signed.json

## testnet
./eth-cli sign unsigned.json --from {delegator-address} --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges >> delegator-signed.json
  • Offline Mode
## mainnet
./eth-cli sign unsigned.json --account-number <delegator-account-number> --sequence <address-sequence> --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --offline --name {delegator-address} >> delegator-signed.json

## testnet
./eth-cli sign unsigned.json --account-number <delegator-account-number> --sequence <address-sequence> --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --offline --name {delegator-address} >> delegator-signed.json

Then, validator operator addres will sign it later.

  • Online Mode
## mainnet
./eth-cli sign delegator-signed.json --from {validator-address} --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris >> both-signed.json

## testnet
./eth-cli sign delegator-signed.json --from {validator-address} --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges >> both-signed.json
  • Offline Mode
## mainnet
./eth-cli sign delegator-signed.json --account-number <validator-account-number> --sequence <address-sequence> --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --offline --name {validator-address} >> both-signed.json

## testnet
./eth-cli sign delegator-signed.json --account-number <validator-account-number> --sequence <address-sequence> --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --offline --name {validator-address} >> both-signed.json

c. use “eth-cli broadcast” to send the transaction from above to the blockchain nodes.

## mainnet
./eth-cli broadcast both-signed.json  --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli broadcast both-signed.json  --node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Verify your transaction in mainnet-explorer or testnet-explorer

Edit FC Validator

Parameters for nc-edit-validator

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--from bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx address of private key with which to sign this tx, that also indicate the validator that you want to edit. Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--moniker myval1 validator name (default "[do-not-modify]") No
--identity xxx optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase) (default "[do-not-modify]") No
--website optional website (default "[do-not-modify]") No
--details some details optional details (default "[do-not-modify]") No
--commission-rate 80000000(that means 0.8 or 80%) The new commission rate percentage No
--side-fee-addr 0xabcd1234 address that validator collects fee rewards on side chain, please use hex format prefixed with 0x. No


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-edit-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --side-chain-id bsc --moniker bsc_v1_new --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --home ~/home_cli
  • Testnet
eth-cli staking nc-edit-validator --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --side-chain-id chapel --moniker bsc_v1_new --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --home ~/home_cli

Delegate 5T

Parameters for staking nc-delegate

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--from bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx address of private key with which to sign this tx, that is also the delegator address Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--validator bva1xxx bech32 address of the validator, starts with “bva” Yes
--amount 1000000000:NT (10 5T) delegation amount, it has 8 decimal places Yes


## mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-delegate --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --side-chain-id bsc --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --validator bva1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypqldvm --amount 1000000000:NT --home ~/home_cli

## testnet
eth-cli staking nc-delegate --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --side-chain-id chapel --from tbnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --validator bva1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypqldvm --amount 1000000000:NT --home ~/home_cli

Redelegate 5T

Parameters for staking nc-redelegate

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--from bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx address of private key with which to sign this tx, that is also the delegator address Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--addr-validator-source bva1xxx bech32 address of the source validator, starts with “bva” Yes
--addr-validator-dest bva1yyy bech32 address of the destination validator, starts with “bva” Yes
--amount 1000000000:NT (10 5T) delegation amount, it has 8 decimal places Yes


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-redelegate --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris --side-chain-id bsc --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --addr-validator-source bva1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypqldvm --addr-validator-dest bva1jam9wn8drs97mskmwg7jwm09kuy5yjumvvx6r2 --amount1000000000:NT --home ~/home_cli
  • Testnet
eth-cli staking nc-redelegate --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --side-chain-id chapel --from tbnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --addr-validator-source bva1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypqldvm --addr-validator-dest bva1jam9wn8drs97mskmwg7jwm09kuy5yjumvvx6r2 --amount1000000000:NT --home ~/home_cli

Undelegate 5T

Parameters for staking nc-unbond

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--from bnb1xxx/tbnb1xxx address of private key with which to sign this tx, that is also the delegator address Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--validator bva1xxx bech32 address of the validator, starts with “bva” Yes
--amount 1000000000:NT (10 5T) delegation amount, it has 8 decimal places Yes


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking nc-unbond --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges --side-chain-id chapel --from bnb1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypu7ajl --validator bva1tfh30c67mkzfz06as2hk0756mgdx8mgypqldvm --amount 1000000000:NT --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain vaildator by operator

Parameters for staking side-validator

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking side-validator bva1hz5sg3u0v4gq2veyw5355z7qx6y7uuqhcuzf3f  --side-chain-id bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain delegation by delegator and operator

Parameters for staking side-delegation

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking side-delegation bnb1hz5sg3u0v4gq2veyw5355z7qx6y7uuqhcqre0d bva1hz5sg3u0v4gq2veyw5355z7qx6y7uuqhcuzf3f --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --side-chain-id bsc --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain delegations by delegator

Parameters for staking side-delegations

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes


  • Mainnet
eth-cli staking side-delegations bnb1hz5sg3u0v4gq2veyw5355z7qx6y7uuqhcqre0d --side-chain-id bsc --node= --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --trust-node

Query side chain unbonding delegation

Parameters for staking side-unbonding-delegation


eth-cli staking side-unbonding-delegation [delegator-addr] [operator-addr] [flags]

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id bsc/chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking  side-unbonding-delegation bnb1rtzy6szuyzcj4amfn6uarvne8a5epxrdklwhhj bva12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahqmr98n --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain unbonding delegations by delegator

Parameters for staking side-unbonding-delegations


eth-cli staking side-unbonding-delegations [delegator-addr] [flags]
parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking  side-unbonding-delegations bnb1rtzy6szuyzcj4amfn6uarvne8a5epxrdklwhhj --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain unbonding delegations by validator

Parameters for staking side-val-unbonding-delegations


eth-cli staking side-val-unbonding-delegation [operator-addr] [flags]

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id bsc/chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking side-val-unbonding-delegations bva12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahqmr98n --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain re-delegation

Parameters for staking side-redelegation


eth-cli staking side-redelegation [delegator-addr] [src-operator-addr] [dst-operator-addr] [flags]
parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id bsc/chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking  side-redelegation bnb1rtzy6szuyzcj4amfn6uarvne8a5epxrdklwhhj bva12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahqmr98n  bva1hz5sg3u0v4gq2veyw5355z7qx6y7uuqhcuzf3f --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain re-delegations by delegator

Parameters for staking side-redelegations


eth-cli staking side-redelegations [delegator-addr] [flags]
parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id bsc/chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking side-redelegations bnb1rtzy6szuyzcj4amfn6uarvne8a5epxrdklwhhj --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain re-delegations by validator

Parameters for staking side-val-redelegations


eth-cli staking side-val-redelegations [operator-addr] [flags]
| parameter name | example | comments | required | | ------------------- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | | --chan-id | 5DAX-Chain-XXX | the chain id of 5dax chain | Yes | | --side-chain-id | bsc/chapel | chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to | Yes |

For example

eth-cli staking side-val-redelegations bva12hlquylu78cjylk5zshxpdj6hf3t0tahqmr98n --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain staking pool

Parameters for staking side-pool

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id bsc/chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes

For example

eth-cli staking     side-pool --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home     ~/home_cli

Query side chain top validators

Parameters for staking side-top-validators

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--top 10 number of validators to be returned. set as maximum number of validators by default Option

For example

eth-cli staking side-top-validators --top 10 --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli

Query side chain validators count

Parameters for staking side-validators-count

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to Yes
--jail-involved true if true, meaning that the jailed validators will be involved to count Option

For example

eth-cli staking  side-validators-count --jail-involved --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=5DAX-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home_cli