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Governance of NC

There are many system parameters to control the behavior of the NC:

  • All these parameters of FC system contracts should be flexible: slashing threshold, cross-chain transfer fees, relayer reward amount and so on.

  • params of Staking/Slash/Oracle/IBC modules on BC

All these parameters will be determined by FC Validator Set together through a proposal-vote process based on their staking. Such process will be carried on BC, and the new parameter values will be picked up by corresponding system contracts via cross-chain communication when needed.

Fee Table

Transaction Type Fee Fee For
Submit Smart Chain Proposal 10 NTs Proposer
Smart Chain Proposal Deposit 0.00125 5T Proposer
Smart Chain Proposal Vote 1 5T Proposer
Relayer reward 0.001 5T system reward pool

Global Parameters

  • min-deposit: The threshold for submitting a proposal on mainnet is 1000NT, and the threshold for submitting a proposal on testnet is 2000NT


Query side chain proposals

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--status passed filter proposals by proposal status, status: deposit_period/voting_period/passed/rejected No
--voter bnb1h9ymecpakr8p8lhchtah2xxx7x4xq099umclqu filter by proposals voted on by voted No
## mainnet
./eth-cli gov  query-proposals --side-chain-id  bsc --trust-node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli gov  query-proposals --side-chain-id  chapel --trust-node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Query side chain proposal

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--proposal-id 1 proposalID of proposal being queried Yes
## mainnet
./eth-cli gov  query-proposal  --proposal-id  1  --side-chain-id  bsc --trust-node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli gov  query-proposal  --proposal-id  1  --side-chain-id  chapel --trust-node --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Query side chain parameters

parameter name example comments required
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
## mainnet
 ./eth-cli params side-params --side-chain-id bsc  --trust-node

## testnet
 ./eth-cli params side-params --side-chain-id chapel  --trust-node

Submit cross chain param change proposal.

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--deposit 200000000000:NT deposit of proposal Yes
--from alice Name or address of private key with which to sign Yes
--key felonyThreshold the parameter name on the side chain Yes
--target 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001 the address of the contract on side chain Yes
--title "test csc change" title of proposal Yes
--value 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b the specified value of the parameter on side chain, should encoded in hex Yes
--voting-period 604800 voting period in seconds (default 604800) No
## mainet
./eth-cli params  submit-bscParam-change-proposal  --key "felonyThreshold" --value "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b"   --target 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001   --deposit 200000000000:NT     --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  bsc  --title "test csc change"  --from alice  --trust-node   --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli params  submit-bscParam-change-proposal  --key "felonyThreshold" --value "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b"   --target 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001   --deposit 200000000000:NT     --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  chapel  --title "test csc change"  --from alice  --trust-node   --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Submit cross chain channel management proposal.

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--deposit 200000000000:NT deposit of proposal Yes
--from alice Name or address of private key with which to sign Yes
--channel-id 1 the the channel id that want to manage Yes
--enable true enable the channel or not (default true) Yes
--title "test csc change" title of proposal Yes
--voting-period 604800 voting period in seconds (default 604800) No
## mainnet
./eth-cli side-chain  submit-channel-manage-proposal  --channel-id  2 --enable=true  --deposit 200000000000:NT     --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  bsc  --title "test csc change"  --from alice  --trust-node   --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli side-chain  submit-channel-manage-proposal  --channel-id  2 --enable=true  --deposit 200000000000:NT     --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  chapel  --title "test csc change"  --from alice  --trust-node   --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Submit side chain module param change proposal.

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--deposit 200000000000:NT deposit of proposal Yes
--from alice Name or address of private key with which to sign Yes
--title "test csc change" title of proposal Yes
--sc-param-file param.json the file of Side Chain params (json format) Yes
--voting-period 604800 voting period in seconds (default 604800) No
## mainnet
./eth-cli params  submit-sc-change-proposal  --sc-param-file param.json  --deposit 200000000000:NT  --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  bsc  --title "test proposal"  --from delegator1  --trust-node  --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
./eth-cli params  submit-sc-change-proposal  --sc-param-file param.json  --deposit 200000000000:NT  --voting-period 100   --side-chain-id  chapel  --title "test proposal"  --from delegator1  --trust-node  --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Vote for side chain proposal

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--proposal-id 1 proposalID of proposal being queried Yes
--option Yes vote option {yes, no, no_with_veto, abstain} Yes
## mainnet
 ./eth-cli gov vote --from alice   --side-chain-id  bsc    --proposal-id 1 --option Yes  --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
 ./eth-cli gov vote --from alice   --side-chain-id  chapel    --proposal-id 1 --option Yes  --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges

Deposit for side chain proposal

parameter name example comments required
--chan-id 5DAX-Chain-XXX the chain id of 5dax chain Yes
--side-chain-id chapel the id of side chain, default is native chain Yes
--proposal-id 1 proposalID of proposal being queried Yes
--deposit Yes amount of deposit Yes
## mainnet
 ./eth-cli gov deposit --from alice   --side-chain-id  bsc    --proposal-id 1 --deposit 1000000000:NT --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Tigris

## testnet
 ./eth-cli gov deposit --from alice   --side-chain-id  chapel    --proposal-id 1 --deposit 1000000000:NT --chain-id 5DAX-Chain-Ganges